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Grab Your Kicks and Your Kids…

The Neely’s Bend 5K is one month away. We are ecstatic! Join us for a fun-filled day investing in your school and community servants.
Register by March 28 and use coupon code neelysbend5kfun for $5 off on individual registration and $20 off on family registration (must register at least four people). Sign-up at
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Alum Returns for Student-Teaching Experience

Colton Eldred , graduate of MA’s Class of 2013, returns to campus this quarter as a Student Teacher.  “Mr. Eldred” (a title some of our students are finding hard to remember) is observing and co-teaching history classes as part of his training through Southern Adventist University’s School of Education. In just one week, he is already inspiring learners to love history. Did you know Theodore Roosevelt often spoke with his fist in the air? It’s true. Fun fact learned while taking this photo…
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Pancake Breakfast at the 403 Center

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Career Counseling for Junior Students

David Beamish, a Licensed Professional Counselor and Marriage and Family Therapist, met with each of our junior students this week for an individualized review of the results of two comprehensive personality and career assessments designed to help our students make decisions about their future. We are excited to help position our students to thrive in college and the career of their choice. Thank you Mr. Beamish for investing in our students! Thank you donors for providing the means for this one-on-one career counseling!

Mr. Beamish discusses the personalized assessment findings with Kristen Whitley.

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Mission Trip 2018

Twenty-two Madison Academy students gave up their spring break to travel half way across the country to Houston in order to serve strangers. Although Hurricane Harvey hit six months ago, there are still people displaced and front lawns are still littered with flood damaged debris waiting to be hauled away. The needs are overwhelming in the 4 th largest city in the U.S., with one of the largest homeless populations in the country.

Our team volunteered at shelters, food banks, dementia treatment centers, meal delivery services, soup kitchens, and many other places. The goal for the trip was to get out of our comfort zones, and that we did! Whether it was doing laundry for a homeless lady, delivering lunch to an at-risk preschooler or teaching a teenager to do a two-high at the government funded housing project, comfort zones were busted!

The trip also included a stop at SWAU where our students were able to worship on a college campus and get a feel for college life. A quick visit to the Alamo, a Spurs game and a boat ride at the Riverwalk in San Antonio rounded out our trip.




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Walk WITH & Pray UP

More than 30 students and faculty gathered in the gazebo yesterday from 10 AM to 10:17 AM to remember the 17 students killed in Parkland High School. They prayed for the families of the teenagers who lost their lives and for the high school students and staff who are still coping and recovering from the tragedy. Our students prayed for a hedge of protection around Madison Academy and that God would keep the forces of evil that would do harm, away from our campus. They thanked God for a cohesive, inclusive school community, and asked, and then prayed for their peers. Thank you Parker Luellen and Kendra Miller for initiating, organizing and leading this prayer vigil. You are Inspired Seekers, Empowered Scholars, and Devoted Servants.

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Serious About Safety

We are saddened by the events in Florida and too many other places where violence is entering schools. We also want you to know several weeks ago, our principal toured the campus with a representative from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigations to discuss our risk, our current practices and the necessary steps to take in the future. We will consider both our intruder alert procedures and facility adjustments where needed.  We are awaiting complete report from TBI and are happy to share it with any parents who are interested in helping guide decisions for keeping our students safe.
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Acros Trip to Jackson

MA’s Acros Team traveled to Jackson, TN for the weekend. Their itinerary included serving at the Come Unify Cafe, assisting in the Sabbath church service, and interacting with exotic animals at Dr. Tozer’s farm. On Sunday they practiced their acro-skills at the trampoline park and worked on team building at the Escape Room.